Saturday, January 8, 2011


Everyone want to looked beauty. What the express way to look beauty?

1. Use anti aging moisturisers
This is the best time to look for a more reliable anti aging moisturisers. Look for something with enhanced potency. This way the ingredients will really work in sprucing up the core functions of your skins.

2. Your diet should be rich in vitamins A,C, and E proteins
These vitamins help a lot in tissue repair and moisturizing. But they also work as anti oxidants. These vitamins will help get rid of the production of functional keratin. Ordinary proteins are converted into functional ones.

3. Exercise and sweat out toxins in your body
Lots of toxins can accumulate in your body due to pollution and the foods you eat. Through exercise, you can get ride of the toxins that have accumulated. Sweat will purge out harmful substances that might cause weakening of skin function.

4. Sleep early
Your body undergoes regenerating functions when you sleep. In addition to that, growth are released during sleep. Get at least 6 hours of sleep in order to support the regenerative functions of the body

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